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Planning Board Minutes 5/23/13
May 23rd, 2013 Planning Board Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Maggie Leonard; co-chair, Larry Klein, Barry Karson and Roger Tryon
Members absent: Stephen Enoch and Alan Soloman
Meeting called to order at 7:15 PM
  • Previous meeting minutes:  Minutes from 4/25/13 and 5/9/13 were approved as amended. Mr. Klein made the motion and Mr. Tryon seconded. The board unanimously approved.
  • The Selectmen are planning a special town meeting due to some unexpected complications in the Town Clerk’s Office. The planning board is going to join in this meeting to address the solar bylaw as well as the slight revision to the communications bylaw.
  • Language for overlay district: Ms. Leonard stated again that she does not agree with table K. The board agreed on labeling K telecommunications and utilities. Ms. Leonard is OK with this. It will leave a space for a wind bylaw in the future.
  • Solar bylaw:  a definition needs to be made for residential solar. The board agreed to for go the word residential and just have small scale. The wording that was agreed upon is as follows;  A small scale solar voltaic installation  with an array either ground or roof mounted of less than 1/8 of an acre. The array can have a maximum generating capacity of 30kw.
  • A date of June 27 was agreed upon for a public meeting. Mr. Karson will not be able to attend.
  • No mail to open
  • Mr. Karson made a motion to adjourn at 8:10PM and Mrs. Krans seconded.
  • Meeting adjourned 8:10PM